“Liris”, from spring to sea

The complete tour follows the flow of the «Liris» from the source to the sea.

A three-day tour along the river, crossing the extraordinary variety of landscapes shaped by water over the millennia. A fascinating ride through enchanting scenery, passing quickly from mountains to an archaeological site, along lakes and streams, admiring landscapes of rare beauty while leaving the plain to reach small medieval hamlets. A tour through history, from the earliest human traces to the many examples of industrial archaeology, where water is the leading character, keeping on cycling through the places that were the theatre of the atrocities of WWII, up to the Riviera of Ulysses where history and myth are intertwined.


Lunghezza del Tour: 175,93 Km
Dislivello complessivo: + mt 1.582
Dislivello complessivo - mt 2.371
Durata: 3 Giorni
Sistemazioni in albergo: Isola del Liri, Cassino


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