WW II – World War II
War Museum Gustav Line Garigliano Front
The War Museum Gustav Line Garigliano Front is the result of years of military and historical studies conducted by the Gustav Line Garigliano Front Association. Inaugurated on 12 May 2019, on the occasion of the celebrations of the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of Castelforte, the museum is set up in a 15th-century building in the town centre, granted by the Castelforte Municipal Administration.
The Museum keeps alive the memory of the war events that took place for about nine months on the ‘Gustav Line’ and, more precisely, on the Garigliano Front, where it was broken in May 1944. The museum offers a chronological itinerary of the events, allowing the visitor to live an evocative experience through the exhibits, documents and multimedia effects that enhance the human stories of those who lived during that tragic period.
Castelforte, the main stronghold on the Garigliano front was nicknamed ‘Little Cassino’ because of the tenacious German resistance that turned the town into a real fortress.
The town suffered 90 per cent destruction, paying a high tribute of blood among the civilian population who suffered deportations and incredible suffering. Castelforte was awarded the Gold Medal for Civil Value.
Il paese riportò distruzioni pari al 90%, pagando un alto tributo di sangue tra la popolazione civile che subì deportazioni e indicibili sofferenze. Castelforte è stata insignita della Medaglia D’oro al Valor Civile.